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Old 28-01-2021, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by JustASimpleGuy
All three are quite enlightening, pardon the pun.

Prior to my experience I had no exposure to any Hindu texts. The closest I came to the philosophy was Peter Russell's long-form video titled "The Primacy of Consciousness" and he attacks it mostly from the scientific point of view until near the end when he quotes some mystics including this gem: "Earth, moon, stars and sun revolve inside me" ~ Baba Muktananda

So I muse on how I came to it and the best model is that presented in Kena, however since my experience was that of a waking lucid dream Mandukya provided enormous and profound insight for me.

By the way, here's Peter's video. It's quite good.

The Primacy of Consciousness - Peter Russell - Full Version

Peter Russell proposes that mind is more fundamental than matter. He explores the problems science has explaining consciousness and argues that consciousness is not created by the brain, but is inherent in all beings.

I find something very interesting in Peter's talk and it's when he gets into the nature of light. Not only does a photon have no mass, but from its perspective from emission to absorption it "travels" zero distance over zero time. Furthermore Planck's Constant is a unit of action - 0.0(a bunch more zeros!)026 erg.secs so again from its perspective it's an instantaneous exchange of action.

The first manifestation seems to be one of action, an exchange of action. Karma Yoga is the Yoga of Action. There's something very interesting about this at an intuitive level. This didn't occur to me until I gained a decent understanding of Karma Yoga. Is there a fundamental connection?
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