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Old 24-12-2020, 08:00 AM
JosephineB JosephineB is offline
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This was a reply from the linked article. I think you mentioned about the 12 cranial nerves before Maya El.

James Sikes November 11, 2019 at 9:41 pm
Dear brother, Thanks for your invitation to discuss the subject of the brain and Jesus the Christ being the center of all things.

After diligently studying the bible for over 52 years I now know the reign of Jesus the anointed is in the brain.
The main focus of the Apostle Paul was to reveal the mystery of the good news to the entire world, yet very few know what that mystery is and what it is all about.
The word Mystery is found 27 times in the K.J.V and that mystery boils down to my-story, or my- missed story which is the very foundation of the new testament.
With out the understanding of what that Mystery is there is no power to live a pure life which gives freedom.
Does it not say you shall know the truth, not believe but knowing the true way will set you free.
Faith comes by diligently seeking, asking and knocking, there is no other way. Hebrews 11;6 & Matt. 7; 7-8 Just a few verses too meditate on. Mark 4:11 & Romans 16:25 & 1 Cor.2:7 & Eph. !:9 & 6:19 &Col. 2:2-3 &4:3 And finally Colossians 1:26-27 where Paul gives the answer to the Great Mystery which is Christ Jesus in you the hope of Glory.
Too realize Jesus Christ is already in every person at birth but was but to death just as Abel was by Cain who killed him so the man of Faith- Abel no longer lived.
Cain who at that point in time had no will to serve his creator. The man Cain, the outer carnal man began to perish day by day and will continue to do so until the man of faith who is able to do all things is resurrected in him.

We all are born with the Cain and Abel nature contained within us. The twin brothers by natural birth. Please read 2 Cor.4; 11-16 & Eph. 3:15-21.
Dear brother J.D. it is a physiological fact when you study the human brain and nerve system God created in man that Jesus Christ exist inside the human body.
To me the Bible is a book of parables and dark sayings as stated in Psalms 78;1-4 and contains the secret of regeneration to the human body by the transforming of consciousness from
the lower nature brain to the higher spiritual brain and from the left hemisphere
to the right hemisphere where the Christ Jesus man is seated in power and glory.
The brain stem is the main body that gives life to the entire being from within and to me is what Isaiah 11;1-3 is telling us.
The rod out of the stem of Jesse with the septer and the branch is the complete brain stem through which all life to the body flows.
The brain stem has 12 cranial nerves as helpers to supply the rest of the body to keep it alive, and healthy and relates to the 12 disciples .
The more I study the physiology of man the clearer the bible becomes with understanding of what it is really all about,

The king- dome which is your head and Jesus the anointed is in the head of the body, Calvary which means the place of the skull, your skull, where death, burial, and resurrection takes place.
May you be blessed with Grace and peace and I hope you respond. James
I salute the Divinity in you.
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