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Old 15-12-2020, 11:53 PM
PsyKeys PsyKeys is offline
Join Date: Nov 2020
Posts: 46
A particle is a vibration we measure that corresponds to the type of oscilloscope we use which is also based on our library of discovered recorded particles/wave lengths. New particles are controversial because they are recording what's indifferent to the two previous particles, its called particle decay.. The angle of decay makes it a different particle. This is spatial relativity. And it seems like a portal because they come in and out of existence extremely fast. So I would imagine that what physicists are doing... is suspecting that these newer particles we dont see are apart of an alternate hidden reality, i.e. the Higgs Boson aka The God Particle that forces particles to go to church, I mean, gives particles Mass. One of the driving factors of theoretical physics is to look behind reality from the inside of mind with math as a guide.

Godspeed right...or is that light speed.
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