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Old 05-11-2020, 05:57 PM
Heightend-Awareness Heightend-Awareness is offline
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Originally Posted by peteyzen
As its a spiritual forum, if we analyse this from the position of karma. If someone is rude to you, that event happens because you earned it (according to the law of karma) through previous actions (this life and previous ones). So, if you see it like that, rather than someone attacking you, one can view the situation as if `Phew, that karma has been paid and is now gone`. If you respond with kindness, as the thread starter said, this often diffuses the situation, and creates some skillfull karma for yourself. If however you respond angrily, it will enflame the other person, probably cause a bigger row, and...create more unskillfull karma that you will have to deal with in the future.
That`s the theory, but sometimes knob heads need to be put in their place lol!!!! and the satisfaction of the moment outweighs the karma to come...Just kidding.
Well said.
'The two most important days in your life; the day you were born and the day you find out why.' - Mark Twain

Ha ezek lennének az utolsó szavaim, minden jót kívánok az élet során. Ahogy mindent megtettem, hogy figyelmeztesselek. Béke és szeretet mindig - HA

Yes, I spell my alias incorrectly on purpose. To prove I am not perfect. Yet.
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