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Old 04-10-2020, 07:35 PM
Heightend-Awareness Heightend-Awareness is offline
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Originally Posted by briam
Have you ever tried to explain what its like to be an hsp or empath too a non empath/hsp this would talking to somebody higher in the chain of command in management and they really have not got a clue apart from there own pure logic. oh they say i understand even a person that you think may have some glimmer of understanding but only got as far as touching the surface i have meet many like my self sometimes you don't have to say anything to those people who are like our self's some of these people are so sanative they just stand there shaking in a crowded room or even your own empathic energy can be so great they move quickly away from you when your only offering a friendly hand of support. i have meet healers light workers clairvoyants' mediums some that just want to manipulate your energy for there own gains. but what amazes me that we live in a world were deception seems to be the norm way of life. i remember reading a story on exemplore which Rebeca wrote the exact same thing. the other thing that is still up for debate that empaths can take all the peoples negatively generated energy via or in a meditation group this refocused and sent back out into the universe for re use i read this too on somebodies web site several times in my case it was experienced via an exe Buddhist monks training class even though his training is via Tibetan monk venerable gheshla i tried to explain it too him but he was perplexed by what i was trying to explain they don't tend to have open minds to the possibilities this also goes for logical people with the exception of a few who have suddenly started to awaken to the fact they are more then flesh and blood
Yes, I have briam. My wife, and an ex-employer. My wife a little easier as she is on sort of the same page as me. Not as empathic or HSP like myself. The ex-employer whoa... This guy was... there was something about him that always made me feel very uneasy, very unsettling. I swear his soul was not human. I dealt with all types of people throughout my life but this guy... shivers just thinking about him. Mind you his wife is right into witchcraft and they are practising pagans. I tried to explain my situation and I get brushed aside. Because I made connections with their extra-curricular activities, my work life became unbearable. I was pretty much forced to leave. Couldn't have been happier to go through that .|**|. to get to where I am now, working for myself from home.
'The two most important days in your life; the day you were born and the day you find out why.' - Mark Twain

Ha ezek lennének az utolsó szavaim, minden jót kívánok az élet során. Ahogy mindent megtettem, hogy figyelmeztesselek. Béke és szeretet mindig - HA

Yes, I spell my alias incorrectly on purpose. To prove I am not perfect. Yet.
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