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Old 03-10-2020, 06:00 PM
Altair Altair is offline
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Originally Posted by Ahriman
There's always the risk of accessing states of bliss/ecstasy while meditating (or doing something similar) that "spoil" you so to speak, that numb you to the mundane reality of your present situation, in such a way that you might find it difficult to appreciate mundane living after experiencing those states. I tried to escape the "mundane matrix" when I was 19 by meditating and not eating, and got burned badly. It's been 10 years and I still haven't fully recovered.

I can sympathize with what you say here (and everything in your first post), and I applaud you for the courage to start this thread.

'Ego' is our sense of self, our means to identify and differentiate, and being able to relate to others. In some traditions it is, like with communism, about a neglect of self and viewing everyone ''equally''. Anyone who says they love a stranger like me equally as they love their pet or family member or best friend is not very trustworthy to me. A human functions with an 'ego'.
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