Thread: Fibromyalgia
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Old 28-01-2007, 07:43 PM
Posts: n/a
Angel1 Hi Candi

Hi Candi

Sorry to hear that you suffer from Fibromyalgia which by the very nature is debilitating I am not sure quite how much you know about it but it is often caused by low serotonin levels in the brain have you ever sufferd from depression in any way? Mostly people with this condition do not process lactic acid as normally as u should do & when the lactic acid builds up it creates pain in the muscles as well.

Has you GP checked you for your a low thyroid function as this can also be a factor? Without going into a lengthy reply about it I would strongly recommend that you try to eliminate as many toxins & allergens from your daily routine to allow your immune system to improve I would also recommend some either Swedish massage or Aromatherapy massage sessions to eliminate toxins from your body as well as improve the blood flow.

I hope this is of some help to you I would also recommend in addressing your diet although it is quite a difficult regime to follow that you may benefit greatly from following a Macrobiotic food lifestyle.

Love & Light Moonflower x