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Old 22-09-2020, 02:01 PM
WhiteWarrior WhiteWarrior is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 2,619
We have the wolverine here in Norway. We call it 'jerv' and it is one of our biggest, strongest hunting animals along with wolf, bear and lynx. They are know to hunt and kill animals as big as reindeers, all by themselves. They stay away from people and are rarely seen, but are license hunted with limited success - trap hunting, which is the most effective method, is no longer legal.

The wolverine isn't disliked by the general population, but since there is very little visual contact it is just a name in a book for most. Farmers and reindeer herders see it as an enemy. I should consider myself so privileged to ever see a wolverine in the wild with my own eyes. I consider it a worthy spirit animal and I do think it is admirable for its survival skills, strength, tenacity, and ability to protect its young.

As for your dream, I read it as a message to be wary of those who ask for your help. That their need is great doesn't mean that they cannot or will not hurt you. Which in my opinion means... do give that help if you feel called to, but don't let yourself get bitten in the process.
Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
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