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Old 09-09-2020, 01:21 PM
lomax lomax is offline
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Originally Posted by TonySG
Hi, I am a 31 year old male who has been using EFT for about the last 6 months. I tap around 3 times a day, it is something that has really transformed my life.

Lately I have been doing alot of inner child grief work and tapping around this. Obviously releasing alot of energy and old beliefs. The changes I have been experiencing are astounding (its the only way I can describe them) but over the last few weeks I have had some issues with my digestive system and bowel habits. This has never been a issue for me in the past. I Went to the doctor and it could potentially be serious.

My question is - Is is possible all the tapping I have been doing has caused some of this 'energy' to effect my digestive systems and bowels? Ive heard IBS is due to emotional issues. But, in this case I am releasing old negative emtions. On top of this I am rarely stressed about anything and generally in a good place and mood

Thanks for reading :) any feedback is much appriciated!
Asbolutely.From first hand experience,i could say that,cleaning of energies and blocks,can make you feel sick.Especially at the stomach area.
On the other hand,any parasitic attachment can have the same effect as well.
The main point is this.
''how we know when an ugly-unpleasant experience is for our own good,and at the very end,what we consider as good''?
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