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Old 03-09-2020, 05:49 AM
Joe Mc Joe Mc is offline
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Originally Posted by Still_Waters
These chants definitely bring back memories of the early days of the Hare Krishna movement here in New York City.

I am more of a jnani than a bhakti but I always enjoyed going to the Krishna temple and watching Prabhupada with the devotees.

Must have been interesting to be around in those days. I watched a documentary on Prabupad during the lockdown. If i find the link i'll post it. It was quite amazing the fact that Prapupad arrived as he did aged 70 with very little or no contacts in New York and set about starting the Hare Krishna movement. He was warned by many not to go etc. Really a testament to human veracity, faith, courage whatever. Obviously I'm not really endorsing Iskcon. It was pointed out to me by a jnani one time that I was a bhakti, i have to say I didn't fully understand what he was on about.( he was mostly a follower of Ramana Maharshi and a very enlightened soul indeed) But today i still don't know what he was on about I suppose I don't see a rigid and formal training structure like Iskcon as the only way to be a bhakta or a servant of the Divine. I'm very tempted here to slag off 'jnanis' with their endless argumentations it seems but that is a wrong understanding. I suppose the path of the jnani offers an opportunity to go astray down the road of argumentation, although they probably see a beauty in this type of arguing that i cannot see so clearly ? Of course there is also a shadow side to practicing bhakti yoga, perhaps becoming overly compliant and not standing up for oneself ? But im not so sure what do you think ?

Just discovered this one today, looking for a more well known chant, I'm sure it's based on a poem by Rumi :)

I was looking for this one, another fine Song.

Too much intellectual pride and not enough intellectual beauty

To Thine own Self be True

The Frost performs its secret ministry,Unhelped by any wind. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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