Thread: God in Buddhism
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Old 27-08-2020, 11:39 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Untersberg56
The so-called "Shroud of Turin", subjected on three occasions to radio carbon dating, provides proof that the material of the shroud was made between 1260 AD and 1390 AD.

It is not easy to see how this proves God one way or the other.

Don't be silly, of course it does. Jesus must just have appeared on the Shroud of Turin after it was made. It happens all the time. Not as much as it used to though, as people don't iron their sheets as much as they once did. It's just his little way of reminding you that God is always watching you. Jesus shows up on potato chips, in the browning pattern on your pancakes or toasted bread (not English muffins though), and even in the nacho cheese pattern on the odd Doritos here and there. It has to be a genuine Doritos though, not one of those store brand tortilla chips, he is God after all.
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