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Old 30-04-2011, 01:34 AM
Moonglow Moonglow is offline
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Originally Posted by TzuJanLi

Hi Moonglow: Thank you for the kind words..

i sense my thoughts as 'pebbles',
texturing the reflective surface with ripples,
intersecting ripples,
creating ever more intense textures..
until, i stop dropping pebbles,
and stillness returns..
then, i jump in,
a thought is not enough..
Life wants us to swim,

to dry-off in the warm sun,
and linger in the cool shade..
and wonder, which is which..

Be well, all else is..

Hi TzuJanLi,

The part I placed in bold jumped out at me.
That's is what I seem to be reminded of at times, stop thinking about it and live it.

At times there is the wonder and at others there is just being.
But all the while life beckons and to it I am called.

I feel nothing is created by accident, it is here, we are to be a part of this which is called life.

The logical mind will explore and try and find its reason, the creative mind will expand and play with its imagination. Both forming their own image reflected in ones actions and words. There seems to be a third part that just lets it be. All have purpose upon which one places, all adding to the pot. The trick for me at times is to find the balance to use them as best I can.

Thank you for creating this space to express this. Hope I didn't drift too far off what you present. It seems to flow with what seems to have come to me.

Life is truly a wonder and all of its creation.

Peace be with you
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