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Old 04-08-2020, 07:45 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi tealily
I've missed seeing you around.
I agree, being able to link to credible resources makes it tricky. I can't even have a link to my blog because I have a page on it that re-direct to my online store.

Maybe, for a small monthly subscription (say, $5 usd) we could have a place in the members only section where all members with small soul centred businesses could post their links.
There is so much info for budding readers, so many excellent free resources out there.

I know the site doesn't condone commercial links and those large commercial sites (thinking of a specific 'tarot' one that is mostly a vehicle to market the owners extremely expensive courses) get plenty of visibility on Internet searches, however, the world has changed greatly and small biz owners (specifically spiritually orientated) are struggling to stay visible and viable.
I'd be happy to pay a monthly sub so members could go and read my rambles and see what I offer, no hard sell, no obligation, they can come back here and ask for a free reading if that's what they want to do.
I'm sure it would be possible to submit the links for approval prior to subscribing and Lynn could have control over the type of online businesses deemed acceptable and bring in some revenue for upgrading the site.
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