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Old 02-08-2020, 07:33 PM
annonafox annonafox is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Hello to all who have replied! The outpouring is tremendous and has deeply touched my heart! Let me start by saying that I am 100% committed to keeping the site going. I am also very happy to keep paying the hosting fees. Donations are always lovely and welcomed, but please don't feel pressured at all. I don't mind covering all the costs where that is concerned. The most important thing for me is to sustain the site---which is clearly a beloved safe, educational, inspirational, and supportive place for so many.

I was telling admin that even if just a handful of people remain as time goes on, I'm realising SF live would remain a valued place. Sometimes just knowing "home" is there, even if you can't visit all the time, that is enough. In my heart, I feel Matt would agree. He was a very sentimental person---he saved little momentos, special books and letters. He had a very poetic, deep heart. Being back on the site, I start remembering that all over again. It would feel devastating to close down a place that has touched so many hearts.

I know there will be a lot of communication and work needed amongst the very dedicated admin, but please know I am supporting the site staying live and am very happy to continue the financial support for the desktop version we currently have. There has been some talk about creating a mobile-friendly version as well, and it is my understanding this is very expensive. Perhaps it won't be possible or even necessary. But even if we can only afford to maintain what currently is, I believe most would be ecstatic about that. Knowing how many people love this site, my heart would feel so much better continuing the effort to keep it here.

Thank you all for reaching out and expressing your love!
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