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Old 24-07-2020, 03:29 PM
Hilary Hilary is offline
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 213
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You will know if you're an indigo, because you will be getting yourself in trouble, a lot.

For example, seeing a large man cursing violently at his toddler daughter in a stroller at the zoo, caused me to stand up and start giving him a piece of my mind, my parents thought I was going to punch him. All I remember is seeing red. They dragged me out of the building. That was many years ago.

Lost my inheritance because I called out the pedophile in the family before he could hurt 2 little twins that would have spent the night at his house.

Almost got in trouble during my internship because a teacher started yelling at a 6 year old boy, he was in tears, clearly in pain, and I stood up to her.

It's hard. I don't have incidents like the zoo anymore, because I've got more control, but anytime someone is treated badly, there is this STRONG URGE to defend that person. You WILL speak out against injustice. That's how it is with being an indigo.

We are warriors.

Also.. we may find social humility to be a challenge.
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