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Old 23-07-2020, 06:51 PM
one-light one-light is online now
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Originally Posted by BlueSkiez
I used to have holes in my aura from a psychic vampire that was a lot stronger than she even knew.

She nearly killed me. I had 6 car wrecks over a 2 year span. She would possess my body and mess with my chakras. She put holes in my solar plexus that, 12 years later, are barely beginning to function and feel better. She made me manic I don't know how besides the possession and whatever spell check/hex she put on me. I'm sick of it. I used to be happy and healthy, brave and full of optimism and joy. After 12 years of being drained of my own energy, I'm exhausted, and life is too hard.

What do I do to be like I used to be?

I research auras over the last few years, at one time it was my specialist subject.

1, how do your know your aura was damaged? some people can see them as can cameras.

2, how do you know your aura and health was damaged by another? Auras can get damaged in hospital during surgery, also medication, drugs, and poor mental/physical health...

I'm just interested to know how you know...

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...
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