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Old 20-07-2020, 10:03 PM
SikuX SikuX is offline
Join Date: Dec 2019
Location: San Antonio, Texas
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Originally Posted by lomax

Try again a bath with bay leave water,but this time ensure that the water will touch all parts of your body.
(Just found out that it plays a large role).

Hey, friend! Hope all is well with you these days. Yes, even showers or any dealing with water seem to bring out buried things in me and help either address them or cleanse me some. I hope you've been experiencing the same. :)

The newest. I now identify as an Mirror Empath. Most suitable and just identifiying as one has helped me very significantly. Instead of wearing others' vibes and thinking it's me carelessly. Like I'm constantly doing ego death for others hating myself for still having one. If that makes any sense. :P More-so the last 24 hours where I finally cleansed myself enough to feel the truth of it. Separating and slowing down some of these constant influxing of energies that enter me. Constant cleansing and aura work has finally started to get me feeling truly grounded and able to feel 'myself' finally. I apparently have many cording to people that miss me and I'm capable of feeling them when they are attracted to or think of me. Think, unknowing psychic abilities of many. Possibility their higher consciousnesses that are lost trying to sync with their egos, so instead they are lost and speak to me? Think spiritual illnesses if you will.

Not trying to sound egotistic, but I am very much loved by many and because of said abilities, I needed isolation and left all my friends behind. So, it very much all makes sense and why I randomly would feel guilty and think of old friends with no rational thought. And if I am around someone who opens up to me greatly, I unwillingly cord with them and feel what they feel strongly. I end up mirroring them if they are very troubled or carelessly not taking care of their auras or problems.

I am like a vacuum that's always on, absorbing those that formed very strong bonds with me. I naturally transmute, and I must have become corded to some one that very much needed me very badly that had very strong spiritual abilities and mental illnesses.

Things are much better these days. I don't have many episodes so long as I take care of my aura and self-identify strongly. The cords are very much still there and I am still taking the "love you to death" or raise them alongside with me, approach. Unless there is severe energy trying to influence me against my best divinity, then I feel the need to cut them. Lol.

Thanks again to all that has contributed in this thread and has supported me. I hope all are well. I wish you all the best.
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and… bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant.- Doctor Who ; Vincent and the Doctor
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