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Old 19-07-2020, 07:56 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by AaronStar
Suffering, initially, is just part of a spectre of potential experiences that a Higher Self wanted to get acquainted with, as Harmony and residing in a state of Divine Bliss may provide conceptual understanding of suffering but not the feeling of it. Probably merging with another consciousness for a while could do it but is it completely the same as living it first-hand, in flesh, or other bounding states of existence (well, save for the scenario when no one else has ever really experienced it before)? So, I guess suffering is a concept that also needed experiencing.

Yes I think so. Speaking from experience if there is still suffering it can create blind spots because the priority would be it needing to be healed. Then once its taken care of resumes a wider perception.

"broaden perception of the consequences of evil/unconcerned patterns of behaviour. If you get to suffer but manage to remain aligned with the righteous teachings, you will understand how dangerous and terrifying evil could be"
Hmm. Fear can cause suffering.

"I believe that at least some of the creatures could remain a bit naive or distant if they always live as spirits in an advanced world. Maybe some are just destined to be part of an entirely different system of functioning and purpose of living."
How do we know if they are always living as spirits in an advanced world? Are we assuming that. What if they also experience suffering and are doing their best to temper it.

"All I can say is that those who decided to fragment themselves went on a risky adventure that would inevitably become way too obscure in its stages of development, and this deserves respect."
Yeah I can attest to that lol all my attempts have done damage but I'm okay with it. This is what I got to work with and I'll do my best with it.

Nope no grudges here. I try to keep an open mind.
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