Thread: Zen Anybody
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Old 14-07-2020, 07:35 AM
Joe Mc Joe Mc is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
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We should meet thought when it arises with kindness, openness, firmness perhaps and a little curiosity. Just as when and if you were to meet a person with ostensible mental difficulties, you would not treat them with derision, or any type of condemnation. I mean by mental difficulties when it seems in that person that mind is hyped, in the form of many thoughts, words, delusions etc. etc. We i hope meet that person with tolerance, kindness and compassion perhaps and understanding. So when you meet with your own mental difficulties you should have the same attitude even if you have not been 'classified' as someone suffering from mental illness.

This glimmer of awareness has saved me at particularly difficult times in my life when unconscious material decided to come hurtling through into the conscious mind in the form of thoughts, fears, and such like. It is amazing how powerful awareness can be. It could literally keep you in the game as they say. Just a couple of thoughts, forgive my incredible pun there on the word thought, i am so funny as usual !!! lololol
Too much intellectual pride and not enough intellectual beauty

To Thine own Self be True

The Frost performs its secret ministry,Unhelped by any wind. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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