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Old 10-07-2020, 05:49 PM
Fatimasque Fatimasque is offline
Join Date: Jul 2020
Location: Bahrain
Posts: 101
I think another interesting thing came up in your response, in that you feel sick after orgasm. I believe the over drive of the sex chakra and the sickness of orgasm must be realized and considered together.
I won't say definitely, but as another response mentioned, consider the deep rooted issue rising from that chakra. there's a relationship of maybe shame or guilt or temptation thats been created with the chakra. this origins of this are best to be explored.
I used to feel sick after orgasm too. I realized it was shame of my own sexuality that was risen from abuse during childhood. I embraced my sexuality as my own, and not a result of the abuse, but a natural and beautiful part of my human body and psyche. it took a while.. but it worked.
so first is the mental awareness of the issue, and re-wiring the mental and emotional process here. giving your sex chakra 'new messages' about who and what it is, as a part of you. not something to reject.

then, try this.. because it worked for me once. I had nagging sexual thoughts, it was getting ridiculous how much I was thinking about sex. at the same time it was a cold season, and my body doesn't heat up well, so I stay cold no matter what.
so what I did, is I would allow the sexual thoughts, connect to the chakra, and then imagine all that energy (from the horny thoughts) to transform itself into body heat and spread to my skin. (because it is a heat already). it worked. my sexual nagging subsided, and I was warmer walking downtown that evening.
(in simple formula, redirect the energy to a place you feel is lacking it.)

finally. we don't just redirect the energy or try to subside it from an over active chakra, we also activate and strengthen other chakras, so that they can do their job, and release the pressure from the over active ones.
do activities that will strengthen the heart and especially solar plexus. which is right under your heart and where we process the emotions.
solar plexus is advised to be cleansed and activated regularly for this reason. (this will also help unlock the 'incorrect' attitude with sex)

I've recently gotten into the habit of talking to my chakras. asking them and reasoning with them, etc. seeing the relationship as a partnership, as a working to help each other out. this kind approach towards ourselves, our bodies, helps our self compassion which is often what we need when we are healing.

I hope this helps. best of luck!
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