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Old 05-07-2020, 04:07 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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to answer another of your questions... sometimes the answers come more from an initial choice than to anything else.

For example on free will, I could either choose to believe absolutely in it and place all my bets on it, or I could choose to not do so and believe everything is completely structured and there is no deviation from the structure.

What I believe in this regards has no relevance to any arguments presented, except in terms of what I've already chosen to believe about those arguments. So in the end it somewhere comes down to a choice... to deviate or not to deviate. If you choose to deviate (and it turns out it is possible to actually deviate) then you get more choices later... if you choose to not deviate then no more choices regardless because you've chosen to act according to the 'plan'.

Some would call this an argument for siding with the ability to choose over the ability not to... to sort of cover your bases? Another argument being that things seem kinda pointless if there is truly no ability to deviate from whatever the plan is. But even that kind of argument is hollow when it comes down to choosing whether to not choose.

Note that what people say about what they are doing has little bearing on what they are actually doing. Society has us all lying not only to each other but to our own selves about what our real motivations are.
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