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Old 15-06-2020, 04:20 PM
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 1,348
agreement with life flow .

Originally Posted by davidsun
Methinks you are reading what you would like to be the case into my what I may have written (water gone by under the 'bridge' of memory now) about traditions.

Here are some additional thoughts of mine about the subject:

Inasmuch as
Even if you don't agree with all that I've stated above, I very much hope you appreciate the rationale of my attitude and positionality in the above regard, Hitesh.

This gives vivid insight into how one thinks . Yes we are not the same we were yesterday and we will not be the same tomorrow . Life is ever-changing / dynamic.

And I don't think there is much to disagree . It's all about one's tuning and understanding of flow of life and one's role in relation thereto. It's very much logical IMO .
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