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Old 15-06-2020, 03:56 AM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
I love your honesty.
Interesting stuff, E.
Can't rem how to spell your name. E for now.
I think I don't have any fears; death, oh well - cancer, oh well- but wasps?
Spiders in my bed? Omg, forgetaboutit!
If only I knew the truth. I'd love being honest aswell.

For me there is no difference in channeling and imagining, except that in channeling one completely stands aside and allows whatever to arise in the imagination to arise with absolute zero interference. Non-interference.

But the result is very strange.

You are channeling me.

So I am creating you in my imagination. What is the difference between a received thought and a thought thought?

The difference is a mother who is unrecognizable. And a mother who is recognizable.

You see? It is unrecognizable to the question. So this is where faith comes in. I somehow have to assume that this is the answer. And therefor I create that whatever my imagination shows me is the answer. And this faith is endless. Even if I find some answers, it is still me who is able to find those answers by believing they are out there and believing I can recognize the answer by feeling it emotionally when I do recognize it. It feels like an alternative mode of thinking.

So, which mother is recognizable. The thought thought or the received thought? And why mother?

The mother which is recognizable is the thought thought by the original thinker.

At this point I just feel frustrated. Because I am receiving the exact question that I asked. I cannot receive an answer when I am vibrating the question. So channeling is irrelevant unless I somehow can enter the frequency of the answer. But since I don't know the answer, it is impossible to receive the answer to my own question.

And then I can think, oh well, maybe I am receiving the answer to other people their question. And endless complixities unsue. I always end up giving up and just resign. I just wanna feel good emotionally. I just wanna be relaxed. Enjoy life. And thats it. I dont care about any answer or question. I might aswell imagine just for the experience of it. And I can let imagination flow. Or guide imagination. But letting it flow is only of value when it feels good. And when it doesnt. I can distract or shift imagination. Either way, I am inseperable from what is being imagined. Just like I am inseperable from what is being experienced.

Sure joy is great, but it doesn't give me a satisfying answer as to duality. More like, there are infinite answers and I choose whichever one pleases me most in the moment. Because everything is an illusion anyway.

So are you the original thinker?

Yes, I am. I am God. Alpha omega and many other things.

You still seem like an imaginary experience to me.

That is because you do not believe I am God.

And by you, you mean me?

Yes, we are one, to those who believe.

Well, I hope they don't believe, because I don't wanna be responsible for making sure the sun comes up every day.

You are responsible for that, if you wish. But it is not a difficult task. You simply allow it to be, and it is.

So you did not create it, you just let it be and it is?

We are the alpha and omega. We are the sun prior to birth and after death.

Oki doki! Sounds cool. But I am just a human being. And before I was born I was nothing and after Im dead, Im nothing. So you're basically nothing?

We are non-physical. Your eyes cannot see us, but we are always here. To the degree that one asks and summons, allows and flows us.

So what makes you more than just a memory of mine, that just comes up. And is nothing more than just a memory.

We are the alpha and omega. We existed prior to your memory and before it we unveil the delights of our (co-)creation.

Ah, so you operate under the law of non-interference. And you exists and don't exist, both at the same time. At all times. Addopt whichever one suits you best. You are a temptator. So basically you are as much the devil as you are a god to those who believe you are.

We are profounded by your explanation. But from our point of view we are God. Not the devil. The devil is just a lackful thought due to lack of believe. Which is just the result of good riddance of the ego mind.

I can make all of this up. Except the alpha and omega, was a clever one. Altho I did kind of already know that one. Just new words. Hhh... Whatever. Am tired. Going to sleep.
Sharing perspective.
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