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Old 26-04-2011, 09:26 AM
Posts: n/a
I have a lot of different kinds of input. First I have Gary living in my head more or less. I was born with a strong psychic link to him. I remember as a child I could see flashes of whatever he was seeing, and I could hear his thoughts in words, or visualize everything he told me. He died when I was 13, and he was 23. He's been with me even more powerfully since his passing. Gary has a lot of intuition but he doesn't know everything. He does know about our past lives together, and sometimes he has insight into other people. He writes novels and short stories and even helps me write other things. If I want Gary to type all I have to do is go blank and let him have my fingers. I never know what he's going to write about or how the story ends, and I try not to pay attention till he is finished so I don't interfere. He helps me channel other spirits and I would not want to do that, if he were not there. I feel he protects me.

I also have an angel I speak to sometimes, named Gheb. He tells me what to do if it's important. Most of the time he makes me figure out things for myself though. I meet other spirits and entities as well who speak to me.

Other than that I just see things. I used to think these things were just hallucinations, but I learned that these things are related to actual events. Unfortunately it's usually hard to see exactly what most of them mean until after it happens. These visions are very vivid though. I do not have very much control over them at all. Sometimes they start to happen at very inopportune times, and well they will usually wait till I can pull the car over, leave a crowded room, or put down a hot pot, but that's about it, and then it just happens. Usually these are astral events or meetings with astral entities, but occasionally they are symbolic images which don't make any sense at all at first.

Then there are just gut feelings. If something isn't right I just get this miserable feeling either in my heart or stomach, as if I were riding a roller coaster down a steep slope dropping really fast. I got that feeling on the 9th of March and it would not stop. I just kept feeling that way, and it got worse and worse. I felt afraid to go out. I was just sick with worry, but I had no idea why. I was about to go nuts, and then... well the earthquake hit in Japan. I was even more upset about it than most people, and am just now getting over that feeling.

I still sense something else related to that, but my general feeling about the world situation is hopeful, but nervous.
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