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Old 26-05-2020, 12:51 PM
winter light winter light is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 309
Perhaps the distortions you see from those who call themselves light workers are actually a symptom of the earth conditions. And the light workers are those who are those who are struggling to remember themselves and their purpose despite this. So implying that all efforts and expressions are meaningless is a way of shooting the messenger.

Once we transcend certainly what is left behind will no longer have hold over us. How that process unfolds is as important as the destination. Some things appear to be meaningless from time to time depending on the context of how they are perceived. As all is interrelated and moving through eternity as one.

Every thing or apparent division is a message describing both perspectives of love and beloved. Every message has meaning in that context. So nothing that exists is ever meaningless. Only love is real.
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