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Old 03-05-2020, 10:36 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi one light thank you very much for wanting to help, super nice of you.

It is not that old of a house really. Had few previous owners but I have not checked on them (perhaps I should now that I think of it...).
A sensitive said he/the energy did not welcome her into "his" (excuse me?) home, that I belonged to him (excuse me again?). This was a long time now ago. She told me this outside the home because his authority was apparently so strong, so condemning to her, that she did not want to speak to me like this inside the home. There has never been any violence or sexual tendencies with this male energy towards me.

It started when we moved in but at first I noticed it but struggled with what to believe what it could be and lots of times I was not sure, I just found it odd.

The only thing close to sexual tendencies but I don't see it this way has been when we changed bedroom after a renovation to what has been the master bedroom where "he" would open the bedroom door and go to bed on the side where I don't sleep, "the male side", I would feel physically him getting into bed with me, not a light body, so not a child I gather nor a male in the house, I would say even heavier than the real man in my life has but even so I would think it was the man I am involved with, but then to turn around and nobody is there... has happened more than first I thought I was dreaming it. I don't know how many times. The energy going to bed with me apparently does so to sleep, it does not reach out and touch me (thank God). One time I said irritated to the real man who sleeps there that why do you keep going in and out of bed like that? He said he hadn't and was very surprised. He too has noticed things but it is the steps, the knocking sounds, the doors... One time I did not dare to turn around in bed as this had by now happened to me before because as the presence had lied down next to me (I always sleep on the side with my back against) I could hear my real man downstairs and the television. So then I was 100% sure it wasn't my real man. That was freaky. Like a scene from a horror picture. Can't believe it happened to me though, for real. I didn't turn around. I tried to get enough brave in my heart to do so, while pretending to sleep while gathering the strength, but I never did, and then it was as if it went up in air. Nobody there. My only thought had been if it touches me I'm gonna scream, but it didn't. Lots and lots of other things has happened. One time terrible sounds but when I asked it to please stop it did, which too was like one of those moments when I thought My God this is really happening. Other than that I have never dared to try to communicate with "the thing". I don't think I would know how to do that. I thought if I just ignored it it would perhaps just go away...and I would think to myself perhaps it is only visitig and will soon move on to the next house? Because of some people thinking it is bad I thought I should not give it a go. The children call it Darky and will not go where Darky is in the house, this changes, but when I go and look I see nothing. Nobody talked to any child about any ghost here, but even so they came up with Darky...

The other stuff, the nightmare with the bruise, mark is perhaps link to my past life memories and is perhaps another entity? why I bring in the past life in all this is because of a belt. Know it sounds bizarre. In a very recent past life my past self was in a relationship with a man who would in my experience beat her and her child from another relationship with a belt. When this would come to me I thought I must have a sick mind. Then with the research I found my past life self, the child, the ex (the good ex I might add, the true father of the child) and the "belt-man". It had been very dramatic. When I read a report of the child reporting the "belt-man" hitting with a belt I couldn't believe it. This was luckily not something the child had been used to, it was never treated this way by it's true father. And the true father was enraged. From my memories the ex helped her and their child in this difficult situation and I would find evidence of this too. They are all dead. I can still get nightmare where I am protecting a child with my own body from receiving that type of belt-violence but also feeling as if I am not in control, that it is going to end very badly and feeling like a failure for not protecting my child enough. In this life I have been told I am easily worried and protective of children. I think I felt so much shame too. Shame to my ex, the true father, but from my memories they were both treating me well after this, and from date I found my past life self got away from the belt-man, but not without the ex protecting her, like lithely protecting her, I found data of that too, and also because she had no money he would help her, them, financially so he did a lot of good. He could have just taken the child and left her there.

When the hands got on the inside of the thigh and leg in the nightmare it was as if my real self was very startled that this is real, this is not only a nightmare, because at that very moment when the being touched me, not with the belt like before in the nightmare, but skin to skin is when I could feel the physical pain. Like it wanted to "burn" me, wanted me to know he had the upper hand in this. That this was real. I have trouble with remembering the face of this man but this is not unusual when it comes to me and some past life memories, I remember mostly the hand. I have many more memories of the good ex than of the belt-man but this had also been a longer relationship and he had never in a way left her side and even if he had someone else he began to detest the belt-man from what I could see in the report early on, it would end up in the court system too as the ex knew something was wrong and would make himself very inconvenient for the belt-man...

Thank you again for wanting to help me

PS I have changed my answer several times now because I feel exposed with all this and hope you don't consider me too much of a weirdo...

Last edited by asearcher : 03-05-2020 at 07:01 PM.
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