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Old 02-05-2020, 02:32 PM
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 1,348
rebirth in other re-alms

Originally Posted by iamthat
From the perspective of esoteric philosophy, human beings have already been through the animal kingdom. Having attained human consciousness, it is not possible to be then reborn in animal bodies.

To which some may say that the idea of a human as more advanced than an animal or a tree is just a value judgement invented by humans. Again, the esoteric perspective is that humans are more advanced because they have the potential to access the higher consciousness of those kingdoms beyond the human. Animals may be perfectly in tune with nature because they function primarily through their astral vehicles but they lack the faculties to enter the higher spiritual realms.

I simply put this out there as a consideration, knowing that some will strongly disagree.

You rightly predicted . I am among the few who may disagree . Still I do not give much weight to such disagreement because importance of all these beliefs is in how it impacts your present life not in making too much fuss about it. And I feel and sense life of many including you is oriented nicely. That is key and very important. Hence I very much respect and love all despite small disagreements like this. God just loves to paint his world with multiple hues of different colours. Many a times I forget to express these feelings of mine in my disagreements .

Now coming to the rebirth in human species only . This consideration that human can not / will not return in other species is incorrect according to Hinduism .

Humans while being equal in front of God , they may only have some more play / freedom / opportunities in life than other species making them advanced . As you see in real world advanced people / families /companies / countries also fall in rakings , so is the case of human beings . We don't need use different rules for spirituality.

Also re-birth into other species is not punishment by God , it's only a God's facility to accommodate our own wishes most of the times(which people may express casually /indirectly ) .God being privy to everything within our mind to everything in universe grants most of our wishes so expressed.
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