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Old 02-05-2020, 01:14 AM
Colorado Colorado is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 715
Originally Posted by Elfin
Hi. Logic tells me we are drawn to places for a reason, otherwise we wouldn't be drawn to them. It's very interesting and actually quite telling I think that not only were you drawn to somewhere , you adapted your diet in connection with those places and became healthier as a result. That's really quite something.

I think so. My father's side, long before they came to the US from Ireland...came from Spain. (Almost 1000 years ago. That side of my family was royalty in Ireland, so there is dated records that commoners back then don't have) All the people in my family have blonde hair blue eyes, or hazel green eyes....but, Im dark complected, my eyes are almost can't find my color of eyes up to 4 generations back on either parents side. I think I have inherited them from an ancestor. My mom calls it a bleed through. Also, when I was a young child...I was very picky with food, I only ate certain foods as a toddler....which is the same diet Im following today. I didn't even realize this until recently. Thank you for your response.
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