Thread: Luminous mind
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Old 16-04-2020, 12:46 PM
jonesboy jonesboy is offline
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Originally Posted by JustBe
@jonesboy If you isolate two aspects of creation such as ‘The sun, the clouds’ in a metaphor as such your missing the ‘whole’ nature of creation as it moves and is being as one ‘all together’. We as humans are designed in the same way. So it would make more sense to be in a presence with all of yourself being and moving as things are. In this view of ‘pointing’ out two aspects of so much more, you will only see the clouds as an obstruction to the sun. The radiance is lost in the one looking into this and seeing it as this.

Your mind when it says ‘don’t go thinking’ the sun creates the clouds. No, just be aware ‘your’ creating through your own limited view, where everything is moving creating itself as a ‘whole’ ..

I'm not but I would encourage you to try to understand what they are trying to relate to you.

Anyone who does mindfulness meditation would have an understanding of the sun and the clouds.

The sun is the radiate mind, the clouds are your obstructions that block out that realization or seeing the sun, which is your true nature.

If you haven't realized your luminous nature then you are far from"the ‘whole’ nature of creation as it moves and is being as one ‘all together’."
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