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Old 03-04-2020, 02:59 PM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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Originally Posted by Melahin
Yeah we can only do our best in the service of healing others. It could be interesting to do what @rah_nam suggested about changing it's frequency, maybe visualising it being in harmony with humanity. Bashar talks about how you never really change the world you live in, but simply shift to parallel reality, and this occurs constantly. The shifting of these realities we are in is what we experience as time. So I guess he would suggest we focus on our preferred reality and that way gently or swiftly shift into it
A world and universe where everything is joy and love forever and more. And joy and love is like the lowest emotion that exists. I don't mind if we become more quasi physical as a result of it. As long as every single human being is healed to the absolute and gain eternal acces to freedom and absolute power and intelligence and knowing, and that which is what is evermore beyond than any and all of it.
A universe without end, only endless new beginnings, that are all of them as extatic as the best of our and only evermore better.
Not a shred of despair or chaos in all of creation, perfect and blessed and eternally complete in its ever expansion into evermore extacy. Not merely just an idea, but an actuality that is in absolute reality, throughout all creation, known or unknown, seen or unseen, illusion or delusion. Not even a misunderstanding can stand in between this inescapable birthing of absolute reality in its absolute omnipresent evermore greater allowed self realisation, in absolute extacy. Like the evaporation of resistance, the cracking of the stone hearts that gush forth oceans of fresh spring water. Nothing and no one left lost or broken. All in unfolded realisation. Knowing the greatness of all creation in full splendour and freedom, in full power that is even infinities beyond the most high of our current understanding.
And this universe does not even exist as an idea. It has never been and never will be.
Free forevermore. In the real reality. Evermore wakefully.
Sharing perspective.