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Old 28-03-2020, 12:23 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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Originally Posted by JosephineBloggs
Starman, this was a post by member Paragon, I found it interesting and I thought of it when I read your post. What do you think?

Okay, so this is just my opinion. I think that post puts forth a valid assertion, although it can be described in terms other than yin and yang, but yin and yang are valid. We are attracted to people who fit our conditioning, and that conditioning may come from our parents. Females often want someone like their dad, that is if they had a good relationship with their dad, and the same may be said about males and their moms.

Even if we reject the character of our parents, then we may go out looking for someone who is the opposite of our parents. Nonetheless, people come to relationships with previous baggage, and often that baggage is emotional. All that I am saying here can be translated into how we have molded and formed our own energy. We look for people to have a relationship with that can meet the needs of our own energy, as we have conditioned, or molded and shaped that energy. A person with yin energy can transition, with practice, to having more yang energy.

Very few people come to a relationship unconditioned by previous relationships, even if the conditioning took place during childhood. Add to this that females may unconsciously emulate their mom while males may unconsciously emulate their dad, even if they say I don’t want to be like my parents, they may still model certain aspects of their parents behavior. This molding behavior comes with the relationship, and modeling a behavior is actually molding and shaping our energy in a certain way. A healthy relationship is all about discovery of self and your partner.

A codependent person is often attracted to a counter-dependant person, and a counter-dependant person is often attracted to a codependent person. They complement each other, and that is what most people look for; someone who is going to complement their energetic field, or what they may think their needs are. Below I have briefly outlined how certain caricatures interlock, and while I am using codependency and counter-dependency, this is also true of other types of relationships.

In essence, other people reflect back to us what they see, accurate or not, valid o not, that is what they see. How we subconsciously define a person is how we are going to approach that person and relate to them. Other people may see in us something that is valid which we have yet to see in ourselves. I might say everyone sums up a potential mate, even if only subconsciously, before they enter into a relationship. That summation is based on that person’s energetic conditioning.

Grandiose- Insecure
Independent- Dependant
Self-Centered- Other Centered
Intrusive- Receptive

These two character types are frequently attracted to each other, and it has a lot to do with their energetic field.. We work directly on our energetic field by what we think, say, feel, and do; and this in turn may form our attitude and perspective. It often takes a lot of work but people can change themselves. We can influence other people, but we can not change other people, nonetheless we can change ourselves.
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