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Old 19-03-2020, 04:40 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by BigJohn
You provided the transliterated version.
The English version of what you provided is:

"My Father, Great Spirit,
Who send'est the wind and the White Snow from the north,
To make thy creation clean and pure,
Father, make me clean and pure within my heart,
That I may be accepted in thy sight and judgement."

The second part, which you did not provide is:

"Father, Great Spirit
To the east from whence cometh the rising of the sun,
and all thy living creation,
Thou hast added another day to my life,
for which I give thee Thanks with all my heart."

You correct on all accounts, except the version you provided is the transliterated version from the Lakota language.

Plus I was noticing how this first part of this prayer could easily be
interchanged with a Christian prayer.

It is ironic that Native Ways can except and adopt many christian ways easily.
But not many Christians can except Native ways and may even call them
evil and down grade The People as savages.

I would say that many Native ways have Mothers and Fathers in balance.
Many Christian ways have stripped out many feminine references in scripture and practices.
Many of the Christian ways I know about see raping the Mother of resources
as a blessing from the Father.
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