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Old 07-03-2020, 06:58 PM
inavalan inavalan is offline
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 5,089
Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
Rather, the kingdom is inside of you and outside of you.

seems like choosing one at the expense of the other may not be the best choice.

Surely, everybody understands whatever they already believe.

There isn't a matter of "choosing one at the expense of the other". It is about the inner reality being the source of the outer reality. Thought before mater.

It is like you vs your dreams. It isn't a matter of choosing you at the expense of your dreams or vice versa.

Here "Father" is the father-figure, the source of knowledge and guidance, not even as creator. And "poverty" is stagnation of knowledge and evolvement.
Everything expressed here is what I believe. Keep that in mind when you read my post, as I kept it in mind when I wrote it. I don't parrot others. Most of my spiritual beliefs come from direct channeling guidance. I have no interest in arguing whose belief is right, and whose is wrong. I'm here just to express my opinions, and read about others'.
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