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Old 28-01-2020, 10:52 AM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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There is nothing wrong with wanting conditional life experiences. We are physical beings aswell. But if you try to go about your journey in a conditional way, primarily, the journey takes long and is not enjoyable and difficult, and when you finally to figure out how to change the conditions, it wont be satisfying that much.

That is why it is simply more natural and easy, to simply imagine what you want, to find the feeling of it, the emotional feeling. And then let go of the imagination, and hold on to the feeling and trust the feeling essence of it and be and become more of that, by acting on all things you can and are willing to act upon to the best of your ability, that feel most like that best feeling that you can find, with absolutely zero insistence/expectation on the outcome, untill you can take it no further, and again and again.

and that is how you accelerate the energy, and receive it more, and become it more, and thus also receive it more, and flow it more through you and flow more with it and as it. And then all your desires naturally and effortlessly manifest along the natural path of least resistance. That is you being the good feeling and acting on it to the best of your ability, with absolutely zero expectation/insistence on the outcome.

This is simply the most easy, enjoyable, effortless and natural path. That I know of. That always works. And most succesful and joyful, and empowering and enfreeing and loving and clarifying and refreshing and replenishing. etc.
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