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Old 09-12-2019, 05:55 AM
sea-dove sea-dove is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 1,488
Ive met Jesus as in joined in listening to his lecture when he was teaching out in the astral plane (he's usually got a small group of people around him and Ive usually found him lecturing under a tree) and had him also manifest in front of me as bring like a drawing of himself to life and he gave me a message. Though Im not Christian, he seems to be an ascended Master that I have connection with since the day he came and gave me a message.

I had Sai Baba show up in my bedroom and he gave me a present (either that or another spirit posed as him).

I've had Babaji come to my rescue and saved my life after I did something stupid and none of the other masters I called came to my aid (he was very last i did a scream out to for help).

I've met lucifer in the astral plane a couple of times...he has a great sense of humour. He likes to tease and has been amused by my lack of trust in him.

I've seen others when working my chakras or at other times (Buddha and that indian goddess with lots of arms) but I think on those occassions they were symbolic. I've done an ancient Egyptian ritual in what dog headed God is supposed to preside over.. I passed the ritual test and saw that but didn't see that God, I was hoping too.

I have not known an ascended Master show up just to say hallo.. but show up when there is issue or I need help.
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