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Old 06-12-2019, 03:47 PM
Kah-Len Kah-Len is offline
Newbie ;)
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 19
Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Thank you and welcome aboard, Kah-Len! (Pronounced like Colin or Kaylen?)

It is common to question the words, ''only this method...only this way'', but I don't care about that.
When you sit - are you imagining a 'star'?
Just to say, when I meditate I'm not imagining anything, myself.
Now, when I do visualizations that's different. :)
But you are saying imagine a star at the heart chakra?
And this is the method? Anything else to help us?
(Just curious, if you want to share - how did you come to this method?)
Thanks again.
Yes, imagination is very important because both vibration and frequency must be present within meditation. Vibration doesn't do anything without power behind it. That power is frequency (Intent, intensity intention = strength). Either positive or negative emotions create the strength. This is how the laws of attraction work. Using visualizations work when the set emotions are behind them to "push" the set intentions forward!
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