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Old 06-12-2019, 02:01 AM
Kah-Len Kah-Len is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 19
Ascension through Meditation - The Truth!

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I have now opened up an office here in Kelowna, British Columbia to begin my mission of completing my first book as I have also been given the task in teaching the ascension process. Ascension does not happen after one passes on from this life. Ascension can only happen during the process of regeneration when the physical body and soul surpasses the vibration and frequency above the Schumann resonance where the mitochondria of the human cells begin regenerating themselves by upping their quark levels. This causes the physical body and soul to merge together as pure light and then “flips” from the 3rd dimension into the 4th (Not the 5th).

Ascension happens at around the second or third year or sometimes within a few short months. When the cells regenerate then aging begins to slow in damage and also reverses making the physical body reverse back to its youthfulness. This meditation causes one to first heal and then the “rainbow body” happens. Only through this meditation process can one actually ascend both with their physical body and soul.

This process is simple and here it is! It does take work! It takes daily commitment of meditating for one hour in the morning and a half an hour in the evening. The meditation consists of focusing on a real live star growing at your center near your heart chakra. As you see and feel your star grow and become more radiant and warmer, you then imagine yourself as a child sitting within the center of that star. Imagination is the foundation of all creation!

Is there life after death? Is there a God? Who am I? Why am I here? Is reincarnation real? Do aliens exist? Why is this planet so screwed up?
These are the most common unanswered questions on the minds of the multitudes today. As everyone begins to wake up to seeing the oceans, lakes and landfills becoming poisoned with plastics, toxins and chemicals from mining, sewage and medications; people are becoming more concerned for their fate and the fate of this world. How has it gotten this bad and why do we continue down this road to destruction fighting for a life and lifestyle we know has never actually worked for us or anyone for that matter. So what then is freedom? Are we truly free? If you had to write down that answer, many of you would write down financial freedom first because finances are the foundation of everyone’s life here on this planet. It is an unfortunate and real concern. Our children have it much worse than we do because our generation had been sound asleep and oblivious to everything. The young generation however knows we have really screwed up and they are now being force fed the “go back to sleep aids” called fluoride, mercury and aluminum oxide through water, toothpaste, deodorants and vaccines.

It has always remained that the hidden rulers of this world have been suppressing the real truth from all of you!
They are fighting hard through tooth and nail to prevent people from waking up and smelling the coffee. They want you to believe that fossil fuels and spending billions of dollars on so called jobs and progress is the only way to the future! It is their agenda to keep society from finding out that free energy exists and spaceflight using gravatic and phot-radionic energy exists! When will we say enough?
Our only sense of freedom is equal to the proportion of our finances because all freedom was removed from this planet when the cost of living was imposed upon everyone against their will. This is an abomination and the very act of creating money to begin with is and was barbaric. It gave birth to the debt system and created slaves to society. All are in the crutches of this system with no means of escape.

I am here to tell you the truth and the answer to not only this dilemma, but also to the answer to the existential problems everyone is facing. Everyone who wakes up and begins to see how screwed up and corrupt this world is, they realize that they do not want to be a part of it anymore. Many people become so hurt and disassociated by everything they even go as far as contemplating or committing suicide. Many believe that they will ascend into a higher dimension or realm if they “check-out” and leave their body behind but true ascension you need a body. If you check-out before regeneration, you will come back to live this life again.

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