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Old 29-11-2019, 02:08 PM
Moondance Moondance is offline
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Originally Posted by MAYA EL
I would like to throw a couple of more wrenches in the fan blade with you guys if you don't mind.

#1. The only reson that we can experience anything at all is because of duality and without those opposites being in duality we can be exist in what we call reality and that middle grey area is where we are interacting with the world and all of this that we are capable of ever experiencing would cease to exist if we did not have duality.

#2 the phrase "both sides of the same coin" ergo not denying we live in duality but then saying that it's just a different expression of the same thing Ergo "all is one"
Is a fallacy and reality cannot properly be compared to something as simple as a coin. So because Duality is two opposites that are completely opposite from each other intern are creating a contrast in order for us to experience life
Then this means that it is NOT the same coin because that implies non-duality and duality cannot exist Within non-duality . So simply put we are in duality and experience because of duality and all that we are and will e er be able to comprehend is within duality.


Nondualism (with a small ’n’) simply means not-two or not multiple. This sense/understanding points to the fact that even now as you read this all there is is a ‘singular principle’ at work. All the differentiation, variation and individuation is simply a play (or appearance) of that. The fact is, there is never any duality/separation to begin with - only Reality - without a second. To deeply see/know this involves a shift in perception - a kind of 'penny dropping' felt-sense-recognition.

But there are ways in which a taste of this can arise. We tend think of ourselves as nouns in a world of other nouns and thus have sense of separation and fragmentation. But if you can get a sense of the verb that Life is... Life simply happening - as it is - presently, then this sense of contraction starts to ease. Just close your eyes and as thought slows down you might get a sense of the happening of the moment. Experience the momentum of what’s going on… in and around… and see/sense that it clearly does not stop where the body apparently ends. There is nothing that is on the outside of - or other than - this unfolding of the moment.

Now, when this sensibility arises there is the same differentiation of forms as before - nothing has changed on (let’s say) the horizontal axis. But at the same time (on the vertical axis) there can be the felt-sense that ALL is the articulation or be-ing of a ‘singular event’ - the One Life behind things. This is what is referred to as oneness (or no-separation.) In a sense it’s very ordinary. Nothing really changes, the universe doesn’t congeal into an undifferentiated blob and awareness certainly doesn’t need to be in a rarefied state devoid of everyday forms and so on.

Complete cessation of forms can happen in deep states such as nirvikalpa samadhi - but this is not the goal of realisation since this is a temporary condition which will arise and pass - meanwhile the ‘one life’ intrinsic to ALL states is radiantly present as the articulation of this very moment.
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