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Old 09-11-2019, 04:16 PM
enaid enaid is offline
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 48
I feel bad about those who’ve been fed abusive ideation about hell, punishment, etc. That kind of indictrination can really spoil a potentially profound and miraculous experience of the spirit and it’s ongoing role as our ‘enlightener’.

I consider myself a Christian even though I dont go to church, do not believe in hell or punishment and am fiercely against proselytizing (spreading the word).

I’ve never repented my sins; I’ve only felt remorse for various things I did that hurt myself. Never felt particularly bad about things I did to other people although I kind of wish I hadn’t, and could claim a clean record in this regard.

I don’t think I’m a religious person at all and I certainly don’t conform to the ‘profile’ of one.

I pick and choose what to believe in and that I consider to be the way of a mature person.

I think you’re very impressionable and tend to believe damaging things that you read; and I also think that is the way you’re meant to be at this time and that it will lead eventually to something very fruitful for you. This is the path you’re on and best of luck to you while searching for answers.
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