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Old 19-01-2007, 03:42 PM
Posts: n/a
Hi all,
I would also like to point out somethink as Jaycee, pointed out,
Sometime ago now i also placed a post on Etherium gold, but in the powder form, i gave this some thought , and did some research i think at the end of the day you just got to go on your own gut instincts, i was really into the thought of haven this and toyed with the idea for almost a week an a half, but then decided to decline , as wanted it to happen natural, think some think i read an also was told , was that it can raise your vibration to fast ,Kundilini rising..... and if this happens can be dangerous for yourself, but a you say its all about each individual, and what they choose to do about it.....
Am glad you are okay with it though , and am glad some one posted back, because when i posted this there was some ppl interested about it, but dont think no one got back about what it was like to take.......

much love light and protection,