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Old 24-10-2019, 12:27 AM
FoxTracks FoxTracks is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 209

I see your posts elsewhere, and I respect your perspective and enjoy your posts. What you posted by, rebecca campbell, I think, on the first page, was really inspiring. Especially the part about pursuing the things that light you up, and sharing that light. It's something I love to do.

Lightwork is an interesting thing to me and a community I would like to get to know a little, as I seem to agree with many of their precepts. The faerie realm has recently opened to me, and I have been working with them lately.

You call yourself advanced, though, and crave that from others, when it seems to me that your perspective, although valuable, is limited in ways that someone who has not studied lightwork teachers perspectives is not. You talk about lower vibrations and darkness, as if they are wholly bad. They can be, but excessively high, or too high too often, isn't conducive to life either. The key is balance. Dark energy, or chaos, also has purpose. There is a reason, in the grand scheme, it is here. Although I fight to spread light, I recognize that the darkness has purpose. I think that's an important lesson.

Grounding, sheilding, and such are important techniques, and completely necessary for one working with magic, magick, or various forms of light energy. Be aware of the saying, though, "staring into the sun too long can burn out your eyes." It is good to see the light, but you have to be able to see in the moderate light of the world, and the darkness of the world, as well.

Other skills you may not have mastered are those of camouflage and shapeshifting.

Much love,

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