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Old 15-09-2019, 02:34 PM
Nicholas D'Arezzo Nicholas D'Arezzo is offline
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 69
Create A Custom Affirmations-List That Fits Your Needs Like A Glove "Novice Friendly"

Before I show you how, I need to first explain attitude-suggestions.

Attitude-suggestions are suggestions that put you in the right state of mind, which will help you move towards your goals with greater ease. Suggestions with attitude also deliver quicker results because they capture emotion and create a belief. Most of the time, attitude-suggestions don’t start with “I am” or “you are.” Typically they are statements.

I will give you a list of attitude-suggestions that I put together for the sake of example. Notice how different you feel when reading these, as opposed to the typical cookie-cut affirmations you will find everywhere. I made sure these aren't jaw-dropping suggestions because I want you to notice how an average or lousy attitude-suggestion can still outdo a stellar affirmation. You will see that attitude-suggestions violate many rules on making a proper affirmation, but remember, these technically aren't affirmations. Therefore, if you find a suggestion that gives you an uplifting or empowering feeling then throw the “rules” out the window and use it.

“Instead of crucifying yourself in the name of comparison, honor yourself in the name of uniqueness.”

“It is a good thing if your family irritates and annoys you at times because that means you have one.”

“It's only until you accept yourself and be yourself that you will know who's worthy to be in your life.”

“Be cautious around the people who call you selfish because most of them are trying to manipulate you to do what they want you to do.”

“There are over 7 billion people in this world. Don’t waste your time on the 5 who are bringing you down”

“Never judge a person’s story by the chapter you walked in on”

“Your feedback of others depends on how they reflect off of you. If you are true to yourself, you will see the truth in others.”

“Your legacy is the result of your influence in this game called “life.” Therefore, what matters most at the end of this game is the scoreboard shows you participated. If you are not on the scoreboard, then you have lived in vain."

“Each day, you are developing new and positive habits and attitudes. Your ability to conquer your challenges are limitless.”
“Your potential to succeed is infinite. You have the power to change your life by changing your thoughts.”

See the difference?

Cookie-cut affirmations talk AT you while attitude-suggestions talk TO you. Attitude-suggestions talk to your soul. Attitude-suggestions don’t insult the intelligence of your subconscious mind. Attitude-suggestions prepare you for life and the real world. Attitude-suggestions aren’t vague or require you to strain yourself in order to grasp what is being said. Instead, they “feed” you their intent and meaning. You know what is being suggested the moment you read an attitude-suggestion.

I'm now going to give you a powerful tip. Most of the time, quotes are suggestions with attitude. I will show you that you need not do this alone. Your brothers and sisters from the past and present have all given you a gift of attitude that you can also make your own. Also, they are very easy to find. First, you need to figure out what area of your life you would like to improve. After that, go to an Internet search engine and type the desired quote category based on what you want to improve on. You can also type “quotes site” in a search engine, click on a quotes-site, then scroll down the categories and pick the new attitudes you wish to call your own.

As you read the quotes, seek the AHA reaction. It must hit you like a fist going through the screen. If it doesn't hit you like a brick then move onto the next quote. Just remember that the emotional response should be one where you are taken back a bit. If it gives you the chills and/or makes you smile, then it's a good one. That AHA feeling of excitement is your subconscious telling you that something about that quote is special for you. It’s an attitude you need. (((It’s the next step up from where you are at)))

Here’s a quick story to give you an example of the power an attitude-suggestion holds. This is a suggestion that will kill someone if she isn't already dead. This girl was raised with love and apparently admired the ground that the person who raised her walked on. I say this because she had an answer for everything as if she were programmed like a robot. She would respond without hesitation and had a reason for everything. She was eighteen at the time which is why I came to this conclusion.

I was twenty-two at the time, working for a company that creates leads for construction work on homes. We worked in a tight, cubicle-filled office which is why we could hear everything that anyone was saying. One day she was talking about something. I don't remember what it was about, which is relevant because it will prove my point all the more. All I can remember was responding to her jabber by suggesting she drink water because it will help. Her serious, no-nonsense, non-hesitant response was, “Water is where fishies make love; I don't drink water, I only drink juice and milk.”

No disrespect to my readers but she was morbidly obese with a body that had the near-perfect contour of a falling water-drop. Worse than that is she was most likely prediabetic at the early age of eighteen. Milk is designed to make a baby calf gain four-hundred times more its body-weight than a calf who doesn't drink milk. The sugar in the juice will spike her insulin throughout the day, making weight gain inevitable. Also, consuming pasteurized products throughout the day, every day, will cause considerable harm to the body.

Anyway, needless to say, I was a bit taken aback. I couldn't believe she makes nutritional decisions based on such silly nonsense. However, it's an attitude-statement that was told to her once upon a time and might be the death of her, unhappily ever after. If one measly attitude-suggestion has the power to stick in my head for 20 years and also destroy a girl’s health, can you imagine what a list of empowering attitude-suggestions can do for you?

Here’s a final note. Attitude-suggestions and quotes work best when you put yourself in a good state of mind, then record them. Record each one once, then listen to the full track of suggestions/quotes at least 3 times a day. Audacity is audio software that you can download for free and use to record your suggestions. From there you can transfer them to any device of choice to listen from on a daily basis.

Nicholas D’Arezzo
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