Thread: No-Thing
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Old 08-09-2019, 07:24 PM
Still_Waters Still_Waters is offline
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Originally Posted by Starman

That which many call “God” is not a thing, not a distinct entity or object, at least in my belief. Because things have boundaries
and borders, they are objects. I remember when I was first learning to meditate and after a brief meditation practice the instructor
asked people what did they experience and one student said “I experienced nothing” and the instruction, with a smile on his face,
said “exactly!”

Some students quit doing meditation because they experienced nothing. It is rather difficult for some people to exist as nothing.
It is hard for some to do nothing. Silence can really irritate some people, but it is in silence that we find nothing and everything
is contained in nothing.

When you have nothing you have the potential for everything; when you have something all you have is that thing but when you
have nothing the possibilities are endless. In truth there is no such thing as nothing. When that one divine presence is everywhere
there is no place where that presence is not; there is no place where nothing exists.

As we go through a spiritual unfolding nothing is added to what we already have; it is just a matter of being able to express what
was already within us. What is already in you, and has always been in you, comes out. We already have everything. In spiritual
development we acquire a finer sense of feeling that which we did not previously feel.

Nature conceals nothing from us; the veil hiding truth is but our own ignorance. Our being is one with everything, but to be here
and not even know that you are present everywhere is also a miracle; a unique specialized experience. Although the human senses
are coarse when compared to the very fine fabric of pure spirit; spirit can be so fine that it feels like nothing.

Spirit is soft and supple yet it is the strong force that overcomes all other forces. When we were born we were very fine but as
we grew we started defining things and lost our fine-ness; so we had to find ourselves again, that fine-ness that we are at our core,
and when we find ourselves once again we’re fine. To those who are enmeshed in worldly civilization the feel of spirit can be as nothing.

Silence has a very thick, rich and intoxicating presence, if we nurture it and allow ourselves to go deeper into it. Silence is not nothing.
It blankets the universe and is the backdrop to noise. Silence is always with us; another word for silence is “peace.”
To have inner silence all you have to do is remove the noise. To have everything all you have to do is let go to nothing.

I just e-mailed this to a spiritual buddy because it is such a beautiful, clear expression of the Reality.

Thank you for sharing !

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