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Old 18-08-2019, 09:34 PM
utopiandreamchild utopiandreamchild is offline
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Originally Posted by Imperator
I have readings and they are positive and I get glimpses of what could be true and try my hardest but it doesn't happen and then I still get blamed for not making the positive prediction come true

What I don't get is that

1. If the psychics can see the potential energy, why can't they see the energy that goes wrong too

2. Why I keep getting positive predictions when a negative one would better prepare me for reality

What I feel is going on is that I can connect to a higher energy but I can't hold on to it for long enough and it makes everything extra cruel I can't trust anyone who gives me predictions and it ruins the previous relationship and I don't want it to happen

I don't get why they do it

I don't like it

It really infuriates me

I want someone to understand or leave me alone

We should work with the positive forces of the universe negativity is blinding and anti. If you want more love in your life then be positive about it. Amen
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