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Old 04-08-2019, 04:37 PM
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Originally Posted by EdmundJohnstone
Hi there.Cheers for the answer

To answer your curiosity, I am here just to see other's perspective/opinion. I wouldn't deny the creator as every creation has a creator.

Now if someone completely embraces Evolution, our God for the human race would be what? Hominini? What about for Hominini? Earthly living beings, and for them would be the marine living beings, and for them bacteria.....For the Universe the Creator might be a Giant amoeba defecating it (an example), or the Big-Bang.As for us as individuals if we identify God as our Creator we can say that even our parents are our Gods since they created us, and that our bodies are the God of our own urine, since they created it (and urine is our creation).It's all about perception. As for "after life" an atheist would say it will be a transfer/recycle of energy to another living being as the body is decomposed and that is the end for the individual as he/she/it turned into nothingness as his/her/its brain died so unconsciousness/unaware (since that is a byproduct of brain activity, like chemical and electrical reactions, as all memories, thoughts and feelings are stored within the brain and when it dies that's the end of the individual and hence loss of everything associated to his/her/its memories, experiences, feelings and thoughts)

Most atheists would prefer to stop existing after death rather than living for an eternity on a fluffy cloud, or being bored to live for an eternity and that this was their only life for them, so what would happen to them according to the truth? Also what would happen to the believer in spiritual afterlife after death, according to the truth? Will their (believers) experience after death be different from the atheists? Because in the atheists opinion all death are the same leading to nothingness (there is no afterlife for a dead computer (brain) ) - as Professor Stephen Hawking said. People like him would say that mediums are charlatans cold readers, stalking, psychological exploiting, inventing fairy tales and looking to squeeze money out of people, and that the other persons who had "spiritual experiences" were just hallucinating, wishful thinking

So, who holds the truth? The truth is relative anyway, an atheist say he/she is right while a believer would say the same. Do bacteria or virus also have a "soul"? I thought that is just fantasy mythology as old as humanity as they couldn't explain phenomena and associating different phenomena with Gods (storm, beauty, love, war, etc). How would anyone (including an atheist) disprove that pink horses are not real? They can't, right? It's just imagination/hallucination, the same belief as Santa Claus. Now if I invent something in my mind and believe it will be just wishful thinking and you can't disprove it. Same for spiritual people, where is the evidence for that? On the other hand Science can explain things better than spirituality can, as science can provide evidence whereas spirituality can't. I was referring to the afterlife of the "soul", and not the afterlife such as energy being transferred to another living being

I am open to other perspectives/points of view, I am not here to argue/have an argument. I get what you mean by your last paragraph, but how do they know it wasn't their brain playing tricks as striving for survival due to anoxia or induced by thoughts? It is probably that it will be like before being born after death, nobody came back from biological death to tell us how it was "up there". It's a fact that there is no accepted evidence for spirit, merely just beliefs that can't be disproved, well because they are imagination/fantasy (that's what most of medics and scientists would tell).

Like I said 'believers' and atheists are pretty much the same in a spiritual sense. They will go to the same place initially this place can be various.. for instance Christians believe in heaven so strongly that it actually exists as a fabrication and a lot go there for awhile. You could call it purgatory or the astral plane but everyone inevitably returns to reality, which is that which exists for eternity. So if you believed that you would go to an island when you die, you might actually go there temporarily.

Right now, we are delusional, we are not experiencing the truth.. Everyone has different thoughts, opinions, perceptions ect.. but whats real is the same for everyone. The problem with religions they think the process of going to 'heaven' is automatic, relieving them of all responsibility, but if you're not in 'heaven' before you die then you won't be after. Ascension is the term used for those that learn to perceive the truth before they die. But before or after, it's inevitable. Hell is basically the amount of time that it takes to do this, if you were a really bad person it may take you a very long time. Not because of what you actually did, but the state that you are in.

Everyone has access to the truth, we are conditioned to become what we think we are from our parents, and theirs ect. That's why everyone forgets their early child hood, because at that time you are still half in the 'other side'. It actually helps newborn babies to tell them that they're a human on earth because they're still completely in reality and don't know whats going on.

I would be fine if nothing happened at death too, but I've become a prophet and come to know factually that its not the case. So, I'm like an atheist but the opposite.

The only way to aquire divinity is to have the capability to forgive anyone for everything and anything 100% no matter what, so you can see why it's incredibly rare. Think about if someone killed, raped tortured the people or pets you cared about most.. if it was happening right in front of you, you would have to be able to forgive that person completely before during and after.. its one of the main requirements because that is the state of eternal reality, where negative judgement does not exist. Simply knowing that, you will have a much easier time than most people.
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