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Old 03-08-2019, 12:29 PM
davidsun davidsun is offline
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Originally Posted by PureEvil760
The truth remains the truth regardless of what you choose to believe.

Including the fact that what you believe, to a certain degree at least, determines what you experience. Why? Because thoughts and emotions are powerfully 'creative'.

Here's the caveat regarding the limits of such power in the case of traditional 'Christian' belief, which I presented in my treatise:
Now, while I fully acknowledge and myself frequently extol the often amazing to the point of seeming miraculous operational power of one’s beliefs (i.e one’s thoughts about and expectations relating to Reality), and notwithstanding the huge number of promoters and guarantors and consequently socially amassed potency of the above-referenced belief-and‑expectation scheme, let me submit the contrasting proposition that the probability that anyone can and so may thereby ensure experience of such (sort of) ‘heavenly’ forever after can really be no greater than the probability that believing and expecting (even without any doubt whatsoever!) that any personally subscribed to belief-and-expectation constellation and talisman, mantra, prayer, concordant behavior or combination thereof relating thereto can and will operationally ensure that any of one’s desires will be fulfilled as desired, or that one will thereby be ‘saved’ (in this case, meaning precluded) from experiencing anything one wishes not to experience as wished (not to).

Why? Because, though the matrixial ‘fabric’ of Life which one’s (that is, everyone’s!) living experience and expression is an integral part of is indeed amazingly ‘elastic’ (in the sense of Its being able to simultaneously accommodate a wide range of alternative probabilities), such that it indeed can and may be locally patterned-shifted by belief-and-expectation related thoughts, emotions and actions for periods of time, said ‘fabric’ is actually ‘threaded’ together by much more than the power of any single person or group’s ‘effect’ generating belief‑and‑expectation ‘weavings’. Besides, the above-referenced postmortem ‘salvation’ and heavenly ‘reward’ and their oppositely contrasting, hellish separation-from-God ‘punishment’ and ‘perdition’ scenarios can and may only be experienced as envisioned in the context of a personally encapsulating astral realm projected movie-script production, not in across-the-board, co-related to and with all others Reality.

Why? (1) Because, as I hope I convincingly sussed out in the preceding chapter, our Source (i.e. ‘the Father’), which creatively generates and sustains all Being, and The Entity of Creation (i.e. ‘the Son’ that Jesus mentally and emotionally completely ‘i’dentified with), which is the Totality of said Being’s Doing, are actually transpersonal features of Life, not ‘persons’ as such to begin with; (2) because ‘heaven’ and ‘hell’ reference psychospiritual states of mind and heart, not actual spatiotemporal environments; and (3) because the The Flow of Creation, a/k/a Life, is such that It is ever‑evolving: no gestalt of Its Being-n-Doing lasts in the same ‘form’ or ‘state’ (in or out of this or any other ‘worldly’ context) forever!*
[Footnote*: As succinctly articulated in Heraclitus’ wisdom-saying: “No man ever steps into the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man!”)]
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