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Old 02-08-2019, 10:29 AM
God-Like God-Like is offline
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Originally Posted by JustBe

At some point realisations fall into “just being” whatever one realises as far as one dives down that rabbit hole of self, not self, illusionary self, dream and dreamer dreaming, there still exists life and what is here and now. You can perceive directly everything you wish to experience and realize but in the end it’s just life and creation creating what “just is”

In just being i live with what just is. I’m not conflicted. I’m not challenged by others as they are and perceive, because we can choose to believe and realize anything, but while still in this body we have choice how we live those realisations. The realisations don’t take away your life, but rather take away what you no longer require to hold onto expand the greater view of you and life itself, from within.

For me the dream I once dreamed of myself is now a new dream. Out of body experiences, nde’s, being aware your emptiness dancing, having a momentary direct realisation your nothing beyond what you are right now in this moment, or digging through the mud step by step can all open the window of awareness of what one is and what one isn’t. The ‘not self’ aspect is awareness your more than this mind body, that one is playing a role, that all roles come through the mind.

When the mind is not entertaining anything, then one can perceive ‘they are nothing’ as a human vehicle, when the mind stops thinknking there is only awareness. Aware of awareness is not thinking what is, it just is because your aware it is. It’s aliveness. You can walk fully connected to your body as awareness aware, without the mind taking over. Presence aware can suspend the mind body. Have you ever come out of meditation, been so removed from your body and mind and just breathing, no movement, no thinking, just aware. Your body feels not there, there is no movement. That in and of itself is a realisation through the vehicle in this body.

Me, I prefer not to walk in front of buses because I’m aware that might hurt me lots or even kill me. I’m content to give way to them..hehe

I think you have hit the nail on the head here, which if I understand you correctly mirrors my thoughts ..

I used to speak about environments often being crucial to what we are are what we are experiences ..

In this way if we are experiencing self of the mind while on earth we would live life accordingly, if we have O.B.E.'s then we would experience life in reflection of that, in such a way where there is self awareness, self identity but not restricted to one's physicality .

This being said and done, doesn't negate in any way the experience of the physical .

This is what I would say is the biggest red herring there is because many just start to conclude that because there is the awareness for use of a better word of no self, no mind, then whenever there is awareness of the mind, there has to be some illusory counterpart to it .

It doesn't have to be concluded like that .. impermanence doesn't have to be seen as something unreal, I just see things for what they are in each moment and take into consideration I am here and now experiencing what I am and it can all change in an instant.

I know that what I am exists in any environment under any condition and beyond conditioning, so what lol ..

That doesn't prove that what is experienced on the earth plane as a human-mind-body construct is therefore in some way a lower or lesser or more illusory reflection than any other experience had ..

x daz x
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