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Old 01-08-2019, 02:02 AM
Awake97 Awake97 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 6
Universe/god channeling in dreams!

I have never been religious. I have always been spiritually natured, for as long as I can remember I’ve submerged myself in spiritual belief systems from across the globe. At a young age I began to receive visions and to see future events.
This is all already known on the forum, but this next part isn’t. I’ve had the dream of being stuck in the white void, having images of future events flown all around me and through my head whilst a language that feels like pure energy talks to me. All of this is mediated through the muffled glowing figure in the distance. Last night I got the same dream again- it has been going on for weeks every night until I wake up screaming and crying- this time was different. The images moved slowly, enough for me to see each with clarity, the voice was more calm and for the first time since I was 8-9, this voice has told me it’s identity. It appears as through the universe/god is warning me that the beginning of the end is initiating, but steps taken by all of us can change the events. The figure is the conscious mind of the universe, going through myself and others, warning humanity that things can change. We are all free, have free will and although the universe has set wheels in place, our choices can change the future to a brighter one. (since joining this forum I have become more open to my abilities instead of wanting them to go, and I’m now prepared to take the steps directed to me by the figure).
I now understand - thanks to all of you -I have been singled as a prophet, I’ve been moulded over the past 13 years with gradually bigger and bigger visions and dreams until it came to this. From the greenfinch hitting the window when I was 8/9 to now.
If you all hadn’t told me to accept my gifts instead of fighting them I may have suffered these dreams for the rest of my life. You made it bearable and helped me see.
Thank you 🙏
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