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Old 10-07-2019, 01:49 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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My vision in church… you might want to research - was Jesus hung from a tree

We all know in the bible it says we have only one life here and that Jesus died on a cross, I disagree with both statements written a long time ago. So to make it clear I’m ‘not’ being disrespectful of the bible or any other writings, the bible is important and gives hope to many people worldwide, but was written and rewritten a long time ago. So I’m just telling you all here ‘what I seen’ and how it all happened. If or not you believe it, its your individual choice, I’m just passing on knowledge.

I have been waiting so long to tell people what I witnessed - it was so powerful I didn’t tell my dear friends in church there for a full week – and even though I’d heard in church from the bible ‘shout it from the rooftops’ I was still worried to do so – but in my mind it also felt like ring the newspapers and tell everyone. But I didn’t, but now I get chance to say it feels the right time…

My vision in church… I’m sitting at the rear of the church in my usual seat so I can see the backs of everyone. I could see all the beautiful flowers both sides of the church in 6 window sills. They looked amazing as besides the ones I put in there weekly we had an autumn fair so more were added and they did look pretty.

So we are all in prayer and I said hope you like the flowers Jesus, they do look nice I think... Then awake, yes awake, hands together with eyes closed the people disappeared as in a change of ‘connection’ and a 2000 year old image was shown to me. And to be truthful I should have opened my eyes instantly, but someone was talking me through this, not as in ‘hearing’ but ‘knowing’ – and I know someone was saying look at the arms again, in other words double check what your witnessing…

So about 4 to 5 seconds I witnessed this image, plenty of time to be sure what I was seeing. So I see Jesus hanging from a tree, he has a beard and he looks at peace like he’s saying to me in thought, its ok x – I didn’t say anything in church just wanted to get home – how could I be seeing this image which to me is incorrect and ‘in church’… When I got home and googled - was Jesus was hung from a tree – and it read 3 times in the bible it confirmed something like that - wow it was just so much for me to take in.

Anyway I told my wife and a dear friend then a week later in church I told several of the elders there that I think Jesus came to visit our church – but it always felt like I should be telling the whole world this two years ago how it happened, and maybe others worldwide have seen the same image, so here I am telling now, shouting from the rooftops ‘just what I witnessed’…

Might be many will like this knowledge or one or two people who read who will complain but It’s just what I seen, just passing on knowledge I 'witnessed in church'.

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