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Old 10-07-2019, 01:47 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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I don't share the same wish/desire as I don't feel church ever had the right idea about Jesus. The whole story's been twisted and turned upside down. To me he's the Ascended Master he is, like Mary Magdalene is as well. Both were Essenes of royal descend, both had had a extensive training. Jesus had intended for her to continue his teachings, but since church had this thing against women having power and connection to spirit she was smeared.

You can indeed get into the lower astral realms and encounter less pleasant souls. That happens when you have less pleasant dreams as well.
Although some may be evil, there's many who are lost in there. There are people who regularly bring such souls to the light and often they're really afraid. It can take quite some work to get them to cross over to the light willingly. You cannot force them. It often takes other loved ones who've past over already, angels and so on. These souls usually are just really scared.
I do not believe it's only or mostly the people who were unpleasant or criminal or whatever during life who get stuck there. I believe many cross over without a problem. There's also people who are in shock after their death for instance because of how they died, because they hadn't wanted to die yet but were taken by disease, people who committed suicide, soldiers killed in war, and so on. I think it's mostly those people in that kind of shock that get lost in these lower realms. And I can imagine that if they've been stuck there for lord knows how long they may not be so pleasant anymore, hihi. People who are scared can lash out. But I want to emphasize they're not all like that. I do know from people who do that work, to help them cross over, that 9 out of 10 times they're simply plain scared.
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